Saturday, March 6, 2010

lunch crunch

Pike St. Fish Fry is a cool, tiny space with a wooden ceiling and minimal seating, though there are a couple of outdoor tables so you can let the rain sog up your crispy fish.

It was a large lunch for $26 (and we didn't finish everything except for the fish, because it was too much—too much tasty, crunchy-fried goodness.

This is no light lunch. Next time we'll split one order of fish and chips with some other items from their menu, like a pulled pork sandwich, or Uli's sausage with slaw, or grilled veggies.

I tried not to think about the cholesterol entering my system, as I polished off the fried halibut, and tasted some of Mr. Pants' fried Cod.

An herby Italian Salsa Verde on the side added some welcome green (and a touch of garlic) to the mix, good on the slab of crispy fish, and a refreshing lemon aoli was everything I love in a sauce, both rich and tart. Perfectly seasoned fries, and one of my favorite things, fried lemon slices were welcome (if unnecessary and decadent) additions to our fish.

We split an Olympia beer to wash it all down, and promised ourselves to eat nothing but salad for dinner. Yeah, right.

Highlights: You are eating fried things!

Disappointments:You are eating fried things!

Mr. Pants: Wiping his greasy, smiling mouth.

Pike Street Fish Fry on Urbanspoon

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